Turkey: Daily National Turkey Market-at-a-Glance
DES MOINES, IA               Thu., Sep. 10, 2020          USDA Market News
TURKEY: Daily National Turkey Market-At-A-Glance.


The market on fresh 8-16 lb. hens and 16-24 lb. toms is steady to firm. The market on 
frozen 8-16 lb. hens is steady to firm. The frozen 16-24 lb. tom market is mostly 
steady. November fresh demand is moderate to good. Demand for 8-16 lb. frozen hens is 
in a full range light to good, mostly moderate. Frozen 16-24 lb. tom demand is light 
to moderate. Fresh offerings are light to moderate. Frozen processor offerings of 
Grade A 8-16 lb. hens are very light to short of needs and 16-24 lb. toms are light 
to moderate. Frozen 2020 Grade A basted equivalent processor offering prices on a 
national basis for 8-16 lb. hens are 108.00-117.00 cents FOB and 16-24 lb. toms 
106.00-115.00 cents FOB for current deliveries. No trading reported. 

The fresh white meat and white trim markets are steady. Frozen white meat and trim 
markets are steady to weak. Demand is light to moderate. Fresh offerings are 
moderate, while frozen offerings are moderate to moderately heavy. The market on tom 
necks is steady to weak, while mostly steady for the balance of tom bulk parts. 
Demand and offerings are light to moderate. The thigh meat market is steady. Demand 
is mostly moderate for the light offerings. The mechanically separated turkey (MST) 
market is steady to firm. Offerings are light on moderate to at times good demand. 
Trading is slow. 


Trading is slow. The market on tom drums and tails is steady to firm. The tom neck 
and tom full-cut wing markets are steady to instances weak with balance of items 
mostly steady. Demand and offerings remain light to moderate.

Source: USDA Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market News
        Des Moines, IA     515.284.4460 desm.lpgmn@ams.usda.gov

Prepared: 10-Sep-20 12:37 C BK